Saturday 21 October 2017

How to Become a Better Friend
o Listen when your friend is speaking. This is a very important part of becoming a better
friend. You may believe you listen, but this is a skill and it is not always as easy as it
seems. Listening involves focus. You must pay attention to what the other person is
saying. If you can sum up the true gist of what your friend has been saying, then you are
listening--otherwise, you may be hearing the words but you are not paying attention.

o Reach out to your friend. It's easy to get into a habit of letting the other person make the
first move regarding activities. You'll enhance your friendship if you invite your friend to
events rather than always waiting for your friend to invite you.
o Be genuine. Save your false front for acquaintances--let your friend see the real you. This
doesn't mean you should arrive at his home with un-brushed teeth and wearing your
house slippers. However, friends should be comfortable enough around each other to
relax. If you're in a bad mood or good mood, say it. This implicitly gives your friend
permission to be as genuine toward you.
o Learn how to apologize. No one is immune from mistakes or from accidently hurting
someone's feelings. A true apology is one that does not contain excuses for behavior.
True apologies are a way of reaching out and asking for forgiveness. If you've wronged a
friend, you'll be a true friend by offering a sincere apology.
o Avoid lying. Friends are honest with each other. If your friend asks you why you aren't
coming to her party, for example, don't lie and say you have the flu when in truth you
simply aren't feeling social. Your friend finding out you are lying can permanently mar
the friendship because friendships need a strong level of trust to survive.
o Give emotional support. If your friend is going through a difficult time, be there extra for
him. This doesn't mean you must drop everything and rush to rescue your friends. That is
not always possible, nor is that always the best way of handling things. But one big part
of friendship is being able to lean on friends when in need, and have friends lean on you
when they are in need

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